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Line of Scrimmage

In football, the term “line of scrimmage” is one of the most frequently used phrases, both from commentators and referees. For those who are new to the sport, many may wonder what the line of scrimmage is and what function it performs during the game. Below, we will explore the purpose and uses of the line of scrimmage, including where it is located, how it moves along the field, and how different players must be aware of it during a game.

What is the Line of Scrimmage in Football?

The line of scrimmage in football is the yard line that shows the spot of the ball on the field. Wherever the ball goes, the line of scrimmage follows. The line of scrimmage changes if the offensive team gains any yardage during a down and will also change if a team is tackled behind the previous line of scrimmage, in which case it will move backward. The line of scrimmage can also move forward or backward if a team gains or loses yards from penalties.

In summary, the line of scrimmage moves with the ball, being located at whatever yard line the ball has moved to after the completion of a play. Also known as the scrimmage line, the line of scrimmage is used to align players at the start of a down. In television broadcasts of most college and NFL games, the line of scrimmage is displayed as a blue line running across the field. However, on the field itself, there is no such marker, and the line of scrimmage is instead determined by the chain crew, who carries a pair of poles linked by a 10-yard chain that is used to determine the distance to a first down.


Both teams must remain on their side of the line of scrimmage prior to the ball being snapped. A penalty called a false start will be called if an offensive player crosses the line prior to the snap of the ball. Offside is a penalty against a defensive player that is across the line of scrimmage when the ball is snapped.


Each time players line up on the line of scrimmage, it signals the start of a new down. The goal for each team is to move the ball 10 yards down the field. Wherever the ball is declared dead, that is the new line of scrimmage. The goal is for the team to move the line of scrimmage down the field, move the ball down the field, to score a touchdown.

Chain Crew

The chain crew is responsible for marking the line of scrimmage after every down. They carry a 10-yard chain to measure the exact location of the first down marker on the field. They are used to help the players see where their 10-yard goal is and exactly how much longer they have to go.